Visitor Tracking AppSumo Lifetime Deal: Unlimited Website Tracking

Visitor Tracking AppSumo Deal

“Visitor Tracking” assists you in monitoring the general performance of your website and offers useful statistics on website visits.

Also, it’s helpful to see how specific users explore your website to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of client behavior.

I am referring to an excellent web analytics tool that will enable you to monitor website traffic. A state-of-the-art analytics service that promises to give you unmatched insights into the traffic to your website is

Whether you work in marketing, blogging, or e-commerce, Visitor Tracking gives you the information you need to improve user experience, optimize your website, and increase conversions.

Read the article to find out how this platform may revolutionize your online approach and advance your web analytics.


What is Visitor Tracking on a Website?

The technique of recording how visitors interact with your website and then meaningfully depicting that activity is known as website visitor tracking.

Put simply, Tracking the traits and habits of people who visit your website is known as website visitor tracking. This entails gathering user data from the website and monitoring actions such as events and page views.

Website owners can utilize this information to better understand how each user navigates their site, spot any bottlenecks, and subsequently optimize user journeys.

Sales and marketing teams can utilize the data to optimize website experience, identify buyer intent, analyze customer journeys, and more.


Alternative to

  • Hotjar
  • Google Analytics
  • Mixpanel


Visitor Tracking Dashboard

See details of how each of your websites is performing in the Visitor Tracking dashboard.

Visitor Tracking Site Dashboard
Source: Visitor Tracking Site Dashboard


Best For

  • Bloggers
  • e-commerce
  • Marketers


Get 80% Off Visitor Tracking Appsumo Deal


How Visitor Tracking Works

It uses tools and technologies such as cookies, IP addresses and analytics software to collect information on user activity, including page views, time spent on the site, navigation routes and content interactions.

All it takes to start collecting extensive visitor data is to add a simple tracking code to your website.

Businesses can use this information to better understand audience preferences, enhance user experience, and make strategic marketing and operational choices.

You can view historical data, trends and real-time statistics on the platform’s comprehensive dashboard. This enables you to make informed decisions about your marketing strategy and website optimization.


AppSumo Deal Terms & Conditions

  1. Redeem your codes within 60 days of purchase
  2. 2 extra users
  3. All future Essential Plan updates
  4. Stack up to 9 codes
  5. Lifetime access to Visitor Tracking
  6. Analytics dashboard
  7. Unlimited sites
  8. 10,000 to 50,000 page views per month


Click here to try out if Visitor Tracking is right for you. Don’t worry if it doesn’t suit you get a refund within two months.


Visitor Tracking Feature

Website portfolio

See how your website is performing: last 24 hours, 7 days, and 90 days, sessions, pageviews, etc.

Visitor Stream

See a live stream of all your site visitors, including location and landing page, session duration, source, device, and which pages they visited.

Funnel tracking

Track your website’s every step and see what visitors are doing. This will help you decide which page you should work on.

Plus, you get event tracking, conversion analytics, customer journey and site dashboards. By using all these features you can analyze all your website data in a very short time, which will help you to correct all the mistakes in your website quickly.


Visitor Tracking Pricing Plans

Visitor Tracking Pricing Plans (Source AppSumo)
Visitor Tracking Pricing Plans (Source: AppSumo)


Benefits of Using a Web Visitor Tracker

Visitor tracking provides valuable data on the activity behavior of all visitors visiting your website. By analyzing which you can easily understand which page traffic is spending more time on your website and which page traffic is spending less time.

You can analyze the pages in which the digitor is not coming and find out why the digitor is not coming. As a result, you can solve the problems immediately. You will also better understand which pages you need to update information on.

Appsumo lifetime deal $59: don’t miss out on this opportunity


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